Monday 28 January 2013

Island Stories

And as a paw gently touches the moist sand, 
A crab scutters across before him, its colour matching the sand beneath it,
The light permeable dashes across the skyline above,
As they gently curve away from the setting sun,
The sun in all its beauty creating a nova of colours in the horizon, 
Ending in an array of rocks and a bundle of trees to add a finishing touch to the beauty,
He is engulfed by the vastness of the outstretching water. 

He steps into the lapping waves that leave a trail of seashells in its wake,
The waves, which takes all of his concentration to stumble through,
As he places paw before paw into the collapsing sand below, 
The line on which the waves pull themselves back from onlooking spectators, 
When the peak of the waves are visible approaching the sand,
But at the very last moment,
The wave implodes on itself into the collapsing sand, 
Impeding its progress.

The sea water, the floating sand, and everything else that it carries,
Tickles the legs of its guests, mocking them,
As deeper in it beholds far greater mysteries 
And treasures. 

As he turns around,
He sees people, of a different species, but similar altogether,
And the one thing that plights his thoughts at every given moment,
The crests of the murky water containing problems left unsolved,
Tension left contained.

He wants to make a decision,
 to jump into the oncoming waves,
Or to step back onto land.

And it all leads to a point where he either
Sinks, or swims.

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